Learning about Stewardship

During Social Justice week this term (7th of September until 11th of September), Kea class focused on the social justice principal of Stewardship . We learnt about how we should look after and love God's creations. During our discussions we shared different ways of how we can protect and look after God's creations. We decided as a class to go on a 'litter hunt' around the school, we hunted all over our beautiful school - under benches, on the playground and in the garden. We found lots of litter laying around! Below is a picture with all our litter. Once we returned back to class we decided that it was time to create something for the whole school to see. We decided to create posters on our chromebooks, using Google Drawings. We worked in groups of 3 and we designed, printed and laminated posters to put up around our school. We had lots of fun. Below are some pictures of our wonderful posters. We as a class hope that our posters will get people to think twice before ...